Like Nobody Else - Del 59

2012-02-07 | 23:44:50
Detta har hänt

Liam's perspektiv
I just camed home to my own apartmant. I tried to call the guys but nobody answerd, probably with the girls. I was bored, I had absoloutly nothing to do. I knew it was a big step but I went to Mimo's place. I knocked and Sarah opend the door, she huged me and kissed me on the cheek.
- I've missed you.
- I've missed you too. Is everyone here?
- Yes, she said with a smile.
I walked into the living room, and there she was, sitting.
- Mimo, can I talk to you?
She had a smile on her face, she actually looked happy to see me, she nodded.
- I'm so sor..
- Shh.. She said and kissed me. Everyone was just shocked, and so was I.



After the fast kiss, she looked into my eyes an smiled. With that beautiful smile. I could resist myself. I just grabbed her and kissed her. This time for it was a long one. I just put my arms around her and picked her up. I even started to swirl her around like they do in the movies. 

Everyine was so quiet, they were just staring at us. She just looked at me and smiled. She turned around and saw everyone staring.
-Well this was awkward, she said and she laughed.
-Aaaaaaaw, Sandra and Sarah said at the same time.
The guys were still chocked.
-Why don't you swirl me around like thar, Sarah said and hit him on his shoulder. Then they started to laugh. They even started to applaude . Me and Mimo just stod there. I was holding her in my arms. We were laughing. I've been waiting for this for so long.
-Well this was so unexpected, Louis said.
-Yes it was, harry said
-But guys you are so damn cute. Yeeey. Sandra said and she was smiling to.
- do you know how long I've been waiting for this, I whispered in Mimos ear.
She started to giggle
-You're not the only one, she replied.

So e were about to watch a movie. You guys want to watch or you want a room ?, Niall said
-HAHA shut up Niall, I don't do that, Mimo said
-Don't do what? you mean you're a..., Harry said
-LEETS waatch the movieee. YEEY. Mimo said and draged me to the couch 

We watched Shutter. that movie is freaking crazy. I knew Mimo was afraid haha. I was holding her hand so tight and she was leaning on me. Everytime something frightening came up she tweaked. She was hiding her hed by my chest. I picked her up and place her on my lap. I just hugged her.

Sarah's perspektiv

Jag typ grät. Jag avar tårögd. Det här var det sötaste jag någonsin sett. Hon ba ställde sig upp o kysste hon snabbt. Sättet de kollade på varandra. ååh mitt hjärta. Sen tog han tag i henne och kysste henne medan han lyfter upp henne o snurrar runt. SÅÅ SÖTA jag dog. Jag är så glad för deras skull, äntligen !!

FILMEN var galet läskig asså Zayn har säkert märken på sina händer efter mina naglar. Min älskling.
-I'm so sorry
-It okey babe, sa han och kysste mig
Utan Zayn vid min sida vet jag inte vad jag skulle göra.
-I feel so safe with you, viskade jag i hans öra. så kysste jag honom. Den här gången varade den längre.
-I will always protect you , viskade han tillbaka mellan kyssarna.

Efter att vi började kyssas så kommer jag inte ihåg resten av filmen.
-GET A ROOM, skrek Niall mellan hans kyssar med Sandra
-You guys aren't better. You all get a room !, sa Mimo och Liam
Sandra o Niall kollade på varnadra. Sandra gunde inte sluta fnittra. Plötsligt ser vi dem springa upp för trappan.
-Please not in my bed, sa Mimo och skrattade. Vi alla skrattade.
Mimo såg verkligen glad ut. Hon satt i hans knä och han höll o henne.
-Liam may I talk to you?
Han gav mig en blick som jag skulle tolka som ''inte nu ser du inte vad som händer här, dah''
-Or you know what I'll talk to you later.
-So while Sandra and Niall are up banging each other we should play truth or dare, sa Louis.
-Yea that's fun, sa Mimo
-BUT everythign allowed, You have to do everything that it sais. DEAL. Sa Harry
Alla kollade runt på varandra.
-Deal, sa Zayn
-Deal, Deal - sa Liam och jag
Alla kollade på Mimo
-Well how do you mean everything allowed? sa hon med en nervös röst.
-Haha E V E R  Y T H I N G, sa Harry
Till slut sa hon Deal och log.
-But let's make it interesting, everyone write down 5 truth questions and 5 dares. Then We'll take a paper one at a time, sa Mimo
-Yeah let's do that, sa alla

Vi satte oss i en ring tog fram en skål och lade ner alla pappers bitar. Vi alla kollade på varandra och lovade att göra allt som stod på pappret.

-Who'll start, sa Liam
-I'll do , sa Zayn
- What's the sexiest about a girl/boy? hm he said well I'll pick girl and I'll say her intelligence and personality
-BUUUUU, Louis said
- Well adn her ass ;) I'm glad my girl has everything, sa han
-Aaw, sa jag och kysste hnm.
- Now it's my turn sa Harry och log
-Kiss Mimo, sa han och stammade till Han tittade snabbt på Liam. Först reagerade Liam lite men sen sa han
- It's just a game.
Mimo såg lite osäker ut men vi hade alla lovat.
Harry gick fram till Mimo kysste henne snabt och återvände till sin sits
Nu var det Mimos tur
- Kiss someone here a passionate kiss!, haha Sure sa hon. 
Hon kröp fram till Liam långsamt tog tag i hans huvud och kysste honom. Han tog tag om henne och jag tror alla kände den där kyssen. Den var långsam men ändå hetsig. 
-Okey, enough guys, sa Harry och Mimo skrattade till.
Jag drog en lapp och där stod det you and Mimo must take of there shirt. If the other one don't take of there shirt she/her has to answer a question.
-COME ON guys. Zayn kollade på grabbarna
-But sure I'll take it off, jag hade en tub-topp under. 
-Mimo your turn sa Harry
-I'm not taking it off, I'm not wearing anything but a bra under it. 
-Wohoo, sa Louis och Liam kollade snabbt strängt på hnm.
-I'll take the question sa hon
-When did you lose your virigity sa Harry
Mimo var tyst alla stirrade på henne. Jag visste inte heller svaret på frågan.
- Actually I'm a virgin, sa hon
Alla fortsatte att stirra på henne. Till o med Liam vart förvånad.
-Why what did you think?
-But you're like 18 , sa Zayn
-So what, sa Mimo och man såg att hon var obekväm
Sen sa hon 
- I want to wait until marriage before I do it.
Grabbarna bara kollade på varandra. Liam såg förvånad ut men ändå så såg han glad ut.
- CRAP LOOK AT THE TIME. I have to finish my packing. 

Mimo sprang up.

-Liam I want to talk to you now!, sa jag

Liam's perspektiv

Sarah came up to me and we talked.
-You know you really screwed up, Like I'm so happy for you guys. but still don't you every try anything like that again.
-I know but it's great now. I'm so happy. 
-yeah but dude now you know why she was afraid.
-Yeah, but she couldn't have though I would rape her or something
-No  I know but still. you understand
-yea I know. but thank you for setting us up at the resturang.
-Actually it was Nialls idea and I'm sorry for everything I said.
-Really haha. It's okey.
-yeah and for slapping you
-haha it's okey, you didn't hurt me.

-Btw guys can you come her, she said and all the guys came. Even Sandra and Niall.
-I want to surprise Mimo.
-But how, Louis said
-We'll all follow her to Sweden, Sarah said
-YEEES, everyone said
-That's a great idea, i said

That means I get to meet her parents. Her dad. now I'm nervous.

I ran up to her room to help her pack and something happend.
I opened the door and there she was standing in her black lace bra and briefs.
-COME ONE, DUDE, again seriously, she said
-sorry Mimo, I said but i couldn't stop staring at her
-Hello , oout Liaam, she said
-Sorry I..I..  and I closed the door


I wanna stay up all night and read all your comments until I see the sun! :D
Postat av: Desirée

Jag får seriöst damp varje gång jag läser den! Varje del är så bra det händer alltid något och jag ÄLSKAR det!!!! I freaking love it!<3

2012-02-08 | 16:07:50
Postat av: sara

åhh sjukt bra. älskar din novell!

dem måste köra sanning och konsekvens nån mer gång, haha :)

2012-02-08 | 19:00:59
Postat av: Nigar

haha älskar slutet!!

lika bra som alltid om inte bättre!!<3

2012-02-08 | 20:19:53
Postat av: Sophie

Skit bra ! Och uppdateringen är ju sjukt bra den okcså! =)

2012-02-08 | 21:22:51

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