Like Nobody Else - Del 65
2012-02-18 | 15:33:09
Detta har hänt
- By the way, I wanna go with you.
- You like fotball? Frågade Zayn mig.
- I love fotball, Pique, Pedro, Messi. I love them, Pique is so s.. sen såg jag hur Zayn kollade på mig.
- Special, they are so special. Sa jag.
- Why are they special?
- Living legends, let's stop with the FBI interrogation, sa jag med ett leende medans de skrattade.

Mimo's perspektiv
Igår hade vi alla riktigt kul, vi åt ju middag sen var vi ute. Killarna och vi tjejer träffade på massa söta fans. Niall gick med Sandra och ringde hennes föräldrar och sen kom de tillbaka. Vi gick till stranden där vi tog ett litet nattdopp och satt och skrattade. När det blev sent och vi alla var trötta efter en lång dag gick vi tillbaka till hotellet där vi alla sa godnatt till varandra och gick sedan till våra rum. Jag bytte om, borstade tänderna, fixade mitt hår i en bulle och kröp ner bredvid Liam.
- Hey beautiful, sa han och jag kände hur jag började rodna.
- Hey.
- I love when you blush.
- Oh , now I'm just gonna blush even more, sa jag.
- It is cute, sa han och kollade in i mina ögon.
- I really like you, sa han och jag kände hur lyckan inom mig spred sig.
- And I like you, you know that.
Han kysste mig. När han kysste mig så stannade allt. Han kysste mig på det sättet han bara kan.

Sandra's perspektiv
Jag och Niall hade ätit frukost med alla här i hotellet och nu skulle jag byta om.
- What should I take? This shorts or this one?
- Don't know, just pick one, svarade han.
- But please, I don't what to pick.
- This, sa han och pekade på de ljusa shortsen.
- Okay, svarade jag och pussade han lite lätt på munnen.
När jag äntligen fixat klart mig så gick vi ner till lobbyn och väntade på de andra.
- This is gonna be fun, sa jag och log.
- Yes, it is, svarade han med ett leende.
När Mimo och Liam kom så började alla andra komma efter ett tag.
- Tonight, we're gonna explore the city. Sa Zayn medans han höll Sarah i handen.
Vi gick runt lite överallt, vi satte oss på en bänk och pratade och skrattade så mycket och sen gick vi vidare.
- Look it's a penthalon or something over there, sa Louis.
- Yes, guys can you do it? frågade Sarah och blinkade.
- Errghm.. Yes, no problem. Svarade Harry med ett leende.
- Then do it, sa Mimo med en retsam blick.
- Okay, come on boys! Sa Zayn och killarna gick fram.
Ett par tjejer kom fram till killarna och de tog en massa bilder när killarna körde fem kampen. Det såg sågulligt ut när killarna drog där.
- Hola! Sa ett par tjejer till oss.
- Hola, svarade Sarah som har kunnat spanska sedan hon var liten.
Tjejerna pratade med en arg blick och Sarah såg helt chockad ut.
- Adios, sa tjejerna och gick.
- Sarah, vad var det där om? frågade Mimo.
- Tjejerna frågade om vi var med killarna och när jag svarade att vi var det började de hota mig.
- Vad menar du?
- Det gamla vanliga typ, håller ni er inte ifrån killarna dödar vi er. Skitsnack bara, desperata människor, sa hon.
När killarna kom tillbaka hade de deras händer bakom deras ryggar. Då visste jag att det var något.

Harry's perspektiv
We had won the pinthalon so they gave us 5 bears.
Zayn gave his to Sarah ans she kissied him, Niall gave his to Sandra and got a kiss, Liam gave his to Mimo and he got a hug and a kiss. Me and Louis had one each. So I gave mine to him and he gave mine to haha we laughed.
-You guys ar adorable, Mimo said
-No you are adorable, Louis said
-Yes she is, Liam said and picked her up and walked to the pire . They just disapeared.
-Okey where did they go, Sandra said
-Ääh let them be alone, Let's go fin a roller coasters, Sarah said
And we did. We picked the biggest one!!
-OMG I'm never doing this again, I said
-THIS WAS AWESOMEE, Niall and Louis screamed out
-yeah it was fun, let's find a bigger one, Sandra said
Everybody starred at her
-What?, she said
-Are you serious?, I said
-Noope haha
-You are crazy, Sarah said
-Let's go find Mimo and Liam, Niall said
-No let them be alone we can go eat, Louis
We all agreed. We found a place and the food was amazing.
-Hahah yeah it's really delicious, Louis said
-Yeaah, Me and Sarah said ar the same time.
-You want dessert, the waitor said.
We all starred at Niall
-YEA Yea Yea. We want dessert , he said with a smile on his face
-Okey you want the chocolate cake, the mango sorbeé, Pudding, Ice-cream , or the chocolate mix or the chocolate fudge
-Hmm, Chocolate ckae, chocolate mic, chocolate fudge and ice-cream. Niall said
-Is that all
-Yeah that's for me, What do you guys want, Niall said and looked at us. The waitor just stood there starring at Niall.
Zayn gave his to Sarah ans she kissied him, Niall gave his to Sandra and got a kiss, Liam gave his to Mimo and he got a hug and a kiss. Me and Louis had one each. So I gave mine to him and he gave mine to haha we laughed.
-You guys ar adorable, Mimo said
-No you are adorable, Louis said
-Yes she is, Liam said and picked her up and walked to the pire . They just disapeared.
-Okey where did they go, Sandra said
-Ääh let them be alone, Let's go fin a roller coasters, Sarah said
And we did. We picked the biggest one!!
-OMG I'm never doing this again, I said
-THIS WAS AWESOMEE, Niall and Louis screamed out
-yeah it was fun, let's find a bigger one, Sandra said
Everybody starred at her
-What?, she said
-Are you serious?, I said
-Noope haha
-You are crazy, Sarah said
-Let's go find Mimo and Liam, Niall said
-No let them be alone we can go eat, Louis
We all agreed. We found a place and the food was amazing.
-Hahah yeah it's really delicious, Louis said
-Yeaah, Me and Sarah said ar the same time.
-You want dessert, the waitor said.
We all starred at Niall
-YEA Yea Yea. We want dessert , he said with a smile on his face
-Okey you want the chocolate cake, the mango sorbeé, Pudding, Ice-cream , or the chocolate mix or the chocolate fudge
-Hmm, Chocolate ckae, chocolate mic, chocolate fudge and ice-cream. Niall said
-Is that all
-Yeah that's for me, What do you guys want, Niall said and looked at us. The waitor just stood there starring at Niall.
I wanna stay up all night and read all your comments until I see the sun! :D