Like Nobody Else - Del 60
2012-02-08 | 22:56:23
Detta har hänt
I ran up to her room to help her pack and something happend.I opened the door and there she was standing in her black lace bra and briefs.
-COME ONE, DUDE, again seriously, she said
-sorry Mimo, I said but i couldn't stop staring at her
-Hello , oout Liaam, she said
-Sorry I..I.. and I closed the door

I went down the stairs and saw everyone sitting there.
- What happen? Sarah asked.
- Nothing, she was just changing clothes.
- Did you see anything? Louis said and winked.
- No.
- OMG, did you walk in on her.. again! everybody scremed.
- No.
- You totally did, Sandra yelled and laughed.
- Shut up.
-Oooh, so were she naked again?, Harry said
-Dudee, no she was in her underwear
The girls ran yp to help Mimo with her stuff.
-What colour ?, Louis said
-Black lace.
- You know what they say about girl with black underwear, Harry said
-Seriously DUDE why do you always get to se her. It was hot right.
-Are you joking, Right now I'm the only one allowed to see her. And yes it was. I was staring haha.
Mimo came down with a bag and I ran to the stairs to help her.
harry was staring at me with these eyes I juts looked at him and said. I'll tell you more later.
when everyone came down we just sat down.
-I know it's only two days but I'm going to miss you guys so much, she said and she looked sad.
-Aaw sweetie your not gonna miss us, Sarah said
-Yes I will, she said
-No you wont , Sandra said
-What are you saying she said
-WE ARE GOING WITH YOU, we all screaamed
She just looked at us. She was staring. Then she reacted.
-Are you serious !!?? .OMG YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING.
She just jumped us. First she hugged the girls then she hugged all of us guys.
-Okey but you have like 2 hours before we leave... GO PACK !!
We all rushed Sarah went to her room, Sandra went with Niall, Zayn went home, Louis and Niall went home and I went to my place and Mimo came with me.
Mimo's perspektiv
Kan inte fatta att de alla ska följa med mig !! Alla gick hem för att packa men jag åkte med Liam.
Vi tog en taxi.
-Liam I can't believe you're coming wiht me, sa jag med ett leende.
-Neither can I sa han och tog ett fast grepp om mig och kysste mig.
Resten av resan var inte så mycket snack. Om jag kan säga så
När vi kom fram till hans lägenhet så sprang vi in på hans rum och började packa. Eller Jag började packa han satt bara på sängen och kollade på mig.
-Heey come on help me now, sa jag
-I love watching you, sa han
Han ställde sig upp gick fram mot mig och kysste mig igen.
-We need to pack
-Yeah it takes 1 minute , sa han och fortsatte kyssa mig.
Plötsligt så var mina ben runt om honom och jag var pressad mot väggen. Jag kunde inte tänka.
Liam's perspektiv
First I was sitting on the bed watching her pack my bags. No her legs ere around me and I was pushing her to the wall. I couldn't let her go. I couldn't stop kissing her. I carried her to the bed and we were still kissing.
She was holding me and I didn't want her to let go. I was lying on top of her. WE couldn't keep our hands off eachother. I started to unbutton her shirt while kissing her neck.
-Liam stop, she said I keept kissing her
-Liam please stop, she said again
-Is anything wrong, I said I felt bad I didn't stop the first time she said it.
She just looked at me and stood up
-Liam I'm not like that, she said while buttoning her shirt.
-Like what ,I said
- What are we? Are be a couple?, she said
-Aren't we, Yes we are, I said
She just looked at me ans smiled. She came closer gave me a kiss
-But Liam do you remember what I said when we played truth or dare? about ... you know about what. I'm like that. okey. I hope that doesn't bother you.
-No offcorse not!!, I said.
She just gave me a glanze then she finished packing.
I message Zayn : ''Zayn we need to talk, i need som advice dude''
Sarah's perspektiv
Jag har packar klaart. Wihooo Sverige här kommer jag. Zayn var också klar så han kom till min lägenhet.
Vi satt och snackade då fick jag plötsligt ett sms av Mimo '' Sarah vi måste snacka, Vi måste ha ''the talk''. Jag och Liam hade precis ett HOT moment om jag kan säga så. Berättar mer i planet men väggar och en säng var involverad. behåver lite råd'' OMG hade dem... Nej det går inte. Inte Mimo. men vad skulle det betyda.
-Zayn did you talk to Liam this past hour, sa jag . Killar snackar ju
-no not much but he messaged me this ''Zayn we need to talk, i need som advice dude''
-What do you think it means?, sa jag
-I have no idea, I guess he'll take it on the plane. Is it okey If I sit with him.
-Yeaah I was thinking about talking a little to Mimo so I'll sit with her.
-Okey great, sa han och kysste mig
Vi hade alla sagt att vi skulle mötas vid flygplatsen så jag och Zayn började rulla dit.
Där stod alla, vi var sist -.-
-Sarah och Sandra, jag hade precis en liten awkward biltur hit, sa Mimo
-Va varför. sa vi
-Vi snackar på planet.
-COME ON guys let's go to SWEDEN !!!, Skrek Sandra.
Vi satte oss på planet alla tog sina platser . Jag och Mimo, Zayn och Liam, Sandra och Niall , Louis och Harry.
-Vi måste snacka, sa Mimo
-Ah berätta
-Det började i taxin...
-Oooh, so were she naked again?, Harry said
-Dudee, no she was in her underwear
The girls ran yp to help Mimo with her stuff.
-What colour ?, Louis said
-Black lace.
- You know what they say about girl with black underwear, Harry said
-Seriously DUDE why do you always get to se her. It was hot right.
-Are you joking, Right now I'm the only one allowed to see her. And yes it was. I was staring haha.
Mimo came down with a bag and I ran to the stairs to help her.
harry was staring at me with these eyes I juts looked at him and said. I'll tell you more later.
when everyone came down we just sat down.
-I know it's only two days but I'm going to miss you guys so much, she said and she looked sad.
-Aaw sweetie your not gonna miss us, Sarah said
-Yes I will, she said
-No you wont , Sandra said
-What are you saying she said
-WE ARE GOING WITH YOU, we all screaamed
She just looked at us. She was staring. Then she reacted.
-Are you serious !!?? .OMG YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING.
She just jumped us. First she hugged the girls then she hugged all of us guys.
-Okey but you have like 2 hours before we leave... GO PACK !!
We all rushed Sarah went to her room, Sandra went with Niall, Zayn went home, Louis and Niall went home and I went to my place and Mimo came with me.
Mimo's perspektiv
Kan inte fatta att de alla ska följa med mig !! Alla gick hem för att packa men jag åkte med Liam.
Vi tog en taxi.
-Liam I can't believe you're coming wiht me, sa jag med ett leende.
-Neither can I sa han och tog ett fast grepp om mig och kysste mig.
Resten av resan var inte så mycket snack. Om jag kan säga så
När vi kom fram till hans lägenhet så sprang vi in på hans rum och började packa. Eller Jag började packa han satt bara på sängen och kollade på mig.
-Heey come on help me now, sa jag
-I love watching you, sa han
Han ställde sig upp gick fram mot mig och kysste mig igen.
-We need to pack
-Yeah it takes 1 minute , sa han och fortsatte kyssa mig.
Plötsligt så var mina ben runt om honom och jag var pressad mot väggen. Jag kunde inte tänka.
Liam's perspektiv
First I was sitting on the bed watching her pack my bags. No her legs ere around me and I was pushing her to the wall. I couldn't let her go. I couldn't stop kissing her. I carried her to the bed and we were still kissing.
She was holding me and I didn't want her to let go. I was lying on top of her. WE couldn't keep our hands off eachother. I started to unbutton her shirt while kissing her neck.
-Liam stop, she said I keept kissing her
-Liam please stop, she said again
-Is anything wrong, I said I felt bad I didn't stop the first time she said it.
She just looked at me and stood up
-Liam I'm not like that, she said while buttoning her shirt.
-Like what ,I said
- What are we? Are be a couple?, she said
-Aren't we, Yes we are, I said
She just looked at me ans smiled. She came closer gave me a kiss
-But Liam do you remember what I said when we played truth or dare? about ... you know about what. I'm like that. okey. I hope that doesn't bother you.
-No offcorse not!!, I said.
She just gave me a glanze then she finished packing.
I message Zayn : ''Zayn we need to talk, i need som advice dude''
Sarah's perspektiv
Jag har packar klaart. Wihooo Sverige här kommer jag. Zayn var också klar så han kom till min lägenhet.
Vi satt och snackade då fick jag plötsligt ett sms av Mimo '' Sarah vi måste snacka, Vi måste ha ''the talk''. Jag och Liam hade precis ett HOT moment om jag kan säga så. Berättar mer i planet men väggar och en säng var involverad. behåver lite råd'' OMG hade dem... Nej det går inte. Inte Mimo. men vad skulle det betyda.
-Zayn did you talk to Liam this past hour, sa jag . Killar snackar ju
-no not much but he messaged me this ''Zayn we need to talk, i need som advice dude''
-What do you think it means?, sa jag
-I have no idea, I guess he'll take it on the plane. Is it okey If I sit with him.
-Yeaah I was thinking about talking a little to Mimo so I'll sit with her.
-Okey great, sa han och kysste mig
Vi hade alla sagt att vi skulle mötas vid flygplatsen så jag och Zayn började rulla dit.
Där stod alla, vi var sist -.-
-Sarah och Sandra, jag hade precis en liten awkward biltur hit, sa Mimo
-Va varför. sa vi
-Vi snackar på planet.
-COME ON guys let's go to SWEDEN !!!, Skrek Sandra.
Vi satte oss på planet alla tog sina platser . Jag och Mimo, Zayn och Liam, Sandra och Niall , Louis och Harry.
-Vi måste snacka, sa Mimo
-Ah berätta
-Det började i taxin...
I wanna stay up all night and read all your comments until I see the sun! :D
Postat av: Sophie
Skit bra !!! :)