Like Nobody Else - Del 4

2011-12-29 | 18:11:26
- What happend? Frågade jag.
- Well.. I broke up, and then she hit me.
- She can't do that. Sa Sarah.
- Yeah, that's not okey. Sa jag.
- Thanks girls, I appreciate that.
- No problem. Sa vi nästan samtidigt.
Sen gick Harry upp och frågade om han kunde prata med Louis. Han sa okej och de gick några meter. De pratade en liten stund sen kom de tillbaka. Harry, världens sötaste kille kom fram och frågade mig en sak.

Jag kunde inte tro det. Att självaste Harry Edward Styles frågade mig Emelie Amanda Sofia Elvén om mitt nummer.
- Yes ofc you can take my number.
- Thank you. Sa han med ett leende på läpparna.
Sarahs perspektiv:
Va gulligt, han frågade efter hennes nummer. Tror nog att de kan bli ett bra par. Hoppades att Zayn också skulle fråga. Men det gjorde han inte sorgligt nog. Klockan började bli mycket så jag sa;
- Emelie, ska vi börja gå? Är lite trött faktiskt.
- Ja, det kan vi göra. Svarade hon.
- What did you guys say? Frågade Niall.
- That we maybe should go home. Svarade Emelie.
- Okey. What language is that? Frågade Liam
- Swedish sa jag och log.
- Cool. Sa killarna nästan samtidigt.
- Bye guys. Sa jag.
- Bye girls.
- Herregud, kan inte fatta attt han frågade efter ditt nummer Emmi. Omg, omg, omg. Harry frågade efter ditt nummer.
- Haha JA, helt ofattbart. Synd att inte Zayn frågade efter ditt nummer, men han gillar dig nog.
- Nu ska vi inte prata om det. Harry fick ditt nummer. shit.

Zayns perspektiv:
Oh I'm such an idiot. Why didn't I ask for Sarah's number. I mean, I think she likes me. But then again she don't know me. She's beautiful. Her eyes. But I just broke up with Rebecca. How can i already feel like this.
- Dude, what's up? What are you thinking about? Liam asked.
- That girl.. Sarah
- You like her?
- Yes. I mean she's cute, and her eyes is amazing. And her smile.
- Why didn't you ask for her number?
- Don't know man..
Harrys perspektiv:
She gave me her number, great! I thought she maybe had a boyfriend, but I guess not. And Zayn. He likes the other girl. Sarah. He's an idiot, he didn't ask for her number. Stupid.. Me and Zayn had a talk.
- Zayn. Are you dumb or what?
- Wait.. Why?
- You didn't ask for Sarah's number, i thought you liked her.
- I do. But I don't know why I didn't ask for her number.
- Oh okey. I'm gonna text Emelie now.
- Cool man. Talk to you later.
Well, what should I do? Ask her out for a dinner tomorrow night? Or maybe it's too fast.. Maybe i should invite her and Sarah to me and the guys for a movie night tommorrow?
''Hey Emelie, I thought maybe you and Sarah wanna have a movie night tomorrow with me and the guys at our place? Harry x'' And I send it to her.. Now it's just wait for her answer

Sarahs perspektiv:
Jag och Emelie hade kommit hem då vi bytte om till våra Onepiece och kollade runt på TV då vi såg killarna musikvideo. Sen började vi såklart sjunga med.
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flipped your hair makes me overwhelmed and when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell. You don't knooooooooooow , you don't know your beautifuuuul. That's wat makes you beutiful. NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NA.
- Emelie, ditt solo.
- Baby, you light up my world like nobody else the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed but when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell.
- Hahaha du sjunger bra Emmi din lilla skit.
- Tack detsamma snorunge.
- Emelie, jag tror det var din mobil.
- Men ja dampunge?
Hon hade fått sms av Harry, självklart blev jag lite avundsjuk men det var min bästavän så var där för henne. Så hon skrev ''Hey Harry, yes that would be fun. Where and when? xx''
- Din mobil Emelie! Vad står det?
- Det står ''At maybe 8 o'clock? Me and Zayn can pick you girls up at Milkshake city so we all can go together :) x''
- Zayn? Jaaaa. Sa jag.
- Haha japp. Ska jag skriva såhär? ''Perfect, can't wait :) x''
- Visst.
Harrys perspektiv:
She said yes. I think i love her.. No. I can't. I mean. I don't know.. Now I just have to tell the guys that the girls are coming and to Zayn that he gotta go with me tomorrow and pick up the girls. Haha he will obviesly say yes.
- Guys!
- Yes Harryboo?
- I told the girls that they can come over for a movie night tomorrow? That okey?
- Yes ofc. Zayn said with the biggest smile.
- And Zayn I told them that you and me can pick them up at 8 o'clock at Milkshake city.
- I'll be there. He said.
And just for fun I said.
- I think I love Sarah..
- NO! Harry you're my bro, but Sarah is mine!!
- Haha man I'm kidding.
And then we all laughed at him.
- Tell the girls that they gotta bring carrots to me! Louis said.
- What? Noo i can't tell them that.
- Well then they not welcome he said.
- Haha , well okey then.
''Girls, you gotta bring carrots to Louis.. Or you're not welcome here he said.. x''
And then she answerd. ''Haha Louis, ofc we'll buy some carrots x''
- Louis they said okey!
- Yeeeeah. he answerd. 
Känner mig ganska duktig nu faktiskt. Ni är tråkiga. För ni kommenterar inte :/

I wanna stay up all night and read all your comments until I see the sun! :D

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