Like nobody else - Del 63
2012-02-13 | 00:02:30
Detta har hänt :

When I woke up Sarah wasn't there. Where was she !! I went to the kitchen and there she was, sitting on the couch with a coffe in her hand.
-Sweetie when did you wake up
-ooh my head. What happend yesterday?
-Ehm don't you remember?
-NO, I don't she said she was moaning and drinking her coffee
-Honey you have a hangover, you and -mimo partied pretty hard last night. You more that her I presume.
-MIMO!!., Where is she !!?!
-I gave her the keys to Liams house
-So she's there now!!
She stod up fast then she sat down again
-MY HEAAD, she cried out
-Come on honey drink your coffee then stay her with me today.
She just looked at me and nodded.
Mimo's perspektiv
Mitt huvud gjorde så ont. Vad har hänt. Vad gjorde jag igår och ... Var är jag ...? Jag vaknade upp i ett rum jag sett förut men jag vet inte vems. Jag låg i en säng. Det första jag kollade var att jag hade kläder på mig och det hade jag. Men vems mjukisar och t-shirt var det här. Kläderna var på vilket tyder på att jag inte gjort något jag vet jag inte skulle göra!
Sen hörde jag fotsteg och mitt hjärta ökade takten.
-Are you awake?, sa rösten jag genast kände igen
-yeah , sa jag
Då kom han in med en bricka i hande.
-I brought you some breakfast, sa han och gav mig ett leende
Han var bara för underbar. Vi båda satt i sängen och åt frukost. När jag kollade på honom så kände jag verkligen fjärilar i min mage.
-Liam how did I get her?
-Don't you remember?
-haha No I don't sa jag och bet mig på läppen.
-haha you came in the middle of the night. I was watching a movie. You came in and jumped into my lap.You were talking about your shoes then your dress and then you started to talk about you bra.
-I did what?
-Yeah you wanted to show me, sa han och garvade
-No, but I didn't right
Han kollade på mig och log.
-Well ... haha No you didn't. You just started to laugh the we watched the movie and you fell asleep.
-But how did I get in to these clothes.
-I gave them to you before we started to watch the movie.
Haha så underbar. Jag låg i hans famn och han pussade mig på pannan. Mitt hjärta bultade bara snabbare och snabbare.
Jag kollade upp där var hans leende igen.
Liams perspektiv
She was lying there juts looking at me with those brown eyes. At this point I though my heart was about to jump out of my cheast. I looked at her and kissed her. Then I kissed her again and again. we were kissing and she roled over on top of me. She sat up and started to tease me.
-Come here, I said and grabbed her head and kissed her. She sat up again
-Nope, you can't kiss me anymore she said and started to laugh
-oh can't I..., I said and laught. She grabbed my hands and held them tight.
-Now your stuck she said.
-You think so I said and winked at her. I roled over. Now I was on top of her. I kissed her and this time for a while.
-Everytime you kiss me my heart skip a beat, she said and she just stared into my eyes.
-So does mine, I said and kissed her again. We just stayed in bed. She fell asleep in my arms.
-Who is that, Mimo said with a tired voice
-I have no idea. I said
-I'm coming, I screamd
I opened the door and there was Louis, Sara and Zayn
-Helloo, Louis screamed
-Were is my romiee sarah said
Mimo walked to the door and they were all just staring.
-And what have you been up to, Louis said
-haha nothing Louis your homie isn't that lucky, She said and laughed
We all sat down and ate lunch.
-So guys I was thinking. Sarah you start school next week, Zayn said
-yeah I do, she said with a sad voice
- We have five days left, Zayn continued
-Just where are you going with this, Louis said
-WHAT WHEN, Mimo said
-Well in about 3 hours we must be at the airport, Zayn said and smiled.
The girls just freaked out
-OMG we are going to spaain we are going to SPAAAIN.
We all started to pack. The girls went home to pack.
3 hours later at the airport.
-We are going to SPAAAIN, they sang.
Ett kort inlägg som inte var värsta men :)
We went to my apartmant and I gave her the extra key, she went in aand shut the door. Sarah took off her clothes so she just had bra and pantied on and then she went to the bathroom because she was gonna brush her teeth. I was lying in my bed and then she came out. We were lying in the bed and we kissed.
- I want you, she said.
- I want you too.
- I love you, I said.
- And I love you Zayn.

When I woke up Sarah wasn't there. Where was she !! I went to the kitchen and there she was, sitting on the couch with a coffe in her hand.
-Sweetie when did you wake up
-ooh my head. What happend yesterday?
-Ehm don't you remember?
-NO, I don't she said she was moaning and drinking her coffee
-Honey you have a hangover, you and -mimo partied pretty hard last night. You more that her I presume.
-MIMO!!., Where is she !!?!
-I gave her the keys to Liams house
-So she's there now!!
She stod up fast then she sat down again
-MY HEAAD, she cried out
-Come on honey drink your coffee then stay her with me today.
She just looked at me and nodded.
Mimo's perspektiv
Mitt huvud gjorde så ont. Vad har hänt. Vad gjorde jag igår och ... Var är jag ...? Jag vaknade upp i ett rum jag sett förut men jag vet inte vems. Jag låg i en säng. Det första jag kollade var att jag hade kläder på mig och det hade jag. Men vems mjukisar och t-shirt var det här. Kläderna var på vilket tyder på att jag inte gjort något jag vet jag inte skulle göra!
Sen hörde jag fotsteg och mitt hjärta ökade takten.
-Are you awake?, sa rösten jag genast kände igen
-yeah , sa jag
Då kom han in med en bricka i hande.
-I brought you some breakfast, sa han och gav mig ett leende
Han var bara för underbar. Vi båda satt i sängen och åt frukost. När jag kollade på honom så kände jag verkligen fjärilar i min mage.
-Liam how did I get her?
-Don't you remember?
-haha No I don't sa jag och bet mig på läppen.
-haha you came in the middle of the night. I was watching a movie. You came in and jumped into my lap.You were talking about your shoes then your dress and then you started to talk about you bra.
-I did what?
-Yeah you wanted to show me, sa han och garvade
-No, but I didn't right
Han kollade på mig och log.
-Well ... haha No you didn't. You just started to laugh the we watched the movie and you fell asleep.
-But how did I get in to these clothes.
-I gave them to you before we started to watch the movie.
Haha så underbar. Jag låg i hans famn och han pussade mig på pannan. Mitt hjärta bultade bara snabbare och snabbare.
Jag kollade upp där var hans leende igen.
Liams perspektiv
She was lying there juts looking at me with those brown eyes. At this point I though my heart was about to jump out of my cheast. I looked at her and kissed her. Then I kissed her again and again. we were kissing and she roled over on top of me. She sat up and started to tease me.
-Come here, I said and grabbed her head and kissed her. She sat up again
-Nope, you can't kiss me anymore she said and started to laugh
-oh can't I..., I said and laught. She grabbed my hands and held them tight.
-Now your stuck she said.
-You think so I said and winked at her. I roled over. Now I was on top of her. I kissed her and this time for a while.
-Everytime you kiss me my heart skip a beat, she said and she just stared into my eyes.
-So does mine, I said and kissed her again. We just stayed in bed. She fell asleep in my arms.
-Who is that, Mimo said with a tired voice
-I have no idea. I said
-I'm coming, I screamd
I opened the door and there was Louis, Sara and Zayn
-Helloo, Louis screamed
-Were is my romiee sarah said
Mimo walked to the door and they were all just staring.
-And what have you been up to, Louis said
-haha nothing Louis your homie isn't that lucky, She said and laughed
We all sat down and ate lunch.
-So guys I was thinking. Sarah you start school next week, Zayn said
-yeah I do, she said with a sad voice
- We have five days left, Zayn continued
-Just where are you going with this, Louis said
-WHAT WHEN, Mimo said
-Well in about 3 hours we must be at the airport, Zayn said and smiled.
The girls just freaked out
-OMG we are going to spaain we are going to SPAAAIN.
We all started to pack. The girls went home to pack.
3 hours later at the airport.
-We are going to SPAAAIN, they sang.
Ett kort inlägg som inte var värsta men :)
I wanna stay up all night and read all your comments until I see the sun! :D
Postat av: Josefine
Vet du vart i Sverige dom är på måndag? :)
Postat av: Sophie
meeeeer :D
Postat av: Desirée
Alltid lika bra!! MERA!<3
Postat av: Sophie
varför har ni slutat uppdatera! :(